Classical Door


唱片名称: Andrea Bocelli: Sogno

Andrea Bocelli: Sogno

Producers: Mauro Malavasi, David Foster, Carole Bayer Sager. Recorded at Clock Studio, Bologna, Italy and Forum Studio, Rome, Italy. "The Prayer" was nominated 2000 Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals. "Sogno" was nominated for the 2000 Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. There seems to be no end to the market for Latin tenors who inhabit the peculiar world most often termed "crossover." The well-known "Three Tenors" travel the boundaries between classical music, songs from their homelands and European pop songs frequently and with ease. The success of these artists is also being enjoyed by Bocelli, who was launched as a superstar in the United States in late 1997 by pledge-time showings of his television special on PBS. His then-current album ROMANZA shot up the charts, followed in short order by VIAGGIO ITALIANO (a mix of opera and traditional Italian songs in the manner of Mario Lanza or Enrico Caruso) and ARIA-THE OPERA ALBUM. Now with SOGNO (Italian for "dream," pronounced "soh-nyo") Bocelli returns to the all-pop sound of ROMANZA. The program is entirely in Italian, with translations provided, and fans of the tenor need not fear disappointment. Duets with Celine Dion, Dulce Pontes, and Eros Ramazzotti are highlights, and Bocelli is in top form throughout. For those who've not yet made this singer's acquaintance, SOGNO makes an excellent introduction. Be warned, however, that it may induce cravings for his previous albums!

1 Canto Della Terra

2 The Prayer

3 Sogno

4 'O Mare E Tu

5 A Volte IL Cuore

6 Cantico

7 Mai Piu' Cosi' Lontano

8 Immenso

9 Nel cuore Lei

10 Tremo E T'amo

11 I Love Rossini

12 Un Canto

13 Come Un Fiume Tu

14 A Mio Padre

艺人名称:Andrea Bocelli○
Luciano Pavarotti和Zucchero Fornaciari的门徒Andrea Bocelli曾被冠以世界第四大男高音的美誉。这位著名盲人歌唱家1999年偏向于流行的专辑《Sogno》因百万的白金销量而获得了金球奖,以及格兰美奖的提名。可见他在流行音乐方面的影响力越来越大。同时,他也依然坚守自己在歌剧方面的成就。此次为了纪念意大利最伟大的歌剧创作者Giuseppe Verdi(威尔第),与以色列爱乐乐团合作的新专辑就命名为《Andrea Bocelli: Verdi》,并将于9月12日在全球发行。

几乎收集了Verdi的所有重要作品,不能不说这张《Andrea Bocelli: Verdi》是今秋唱片发行的重头戏。作为Pavarotti和Zucchero Fornaciari的弟子,12岁失明的Bocelli有着相当难得的歌剧演唱天赋。与此同时,他与Celine Dion,Sarah Brightman等艺人的合作也奠定了他在流行音乐界的地位。

继1999年发行专辑反响不错之后,Bocelli就开始挑选一些自己喜爱的Verdi作品,包括著名的咏叹调“Rigoletto”中的“La donna e mobile”,从“Aida”中选出的“Celeste Aida”,还有其它Verdi创作歌剧的片断。出版这样的一张唱片,Bocelli自称是对Verdi去世百年的最好纪念。一些演唱难度比较大的曲目,如选自“Il Trovatore”的“Di quella pira”也被选入了专辑,对于Bocelli来说正是相当大的考验。 这样的一张专辑只会让喜爱他的歌迷爱不释手,也会让人们对于Verdi更充满敬意。而Bocelli的谦虚是有目共睹的,在专辑发行前不停表示自己的演唱还要进一步提高,自己也一直在努力。这样完美的声音还要怎么样提高呢?听起来我们只有惭愧的份儿了。

 D-****:流行、戏曲、爵士、民族        More